Monday, October 4, 2010

And Then There Were 4 and 5

Not long after their wedding JessicaLynn was born after a long labour; the baby was destined to be a virtuoso but insane. Stewie wondered what would come of his little daughter, and he hoped that she would understand his longing for a large long-lasting family. 

His parents decided to give Stewie a new bedroom, so that he felt grown up and in the hopes that he wouldn't feel that they'd forgotten him in all of the chaos that their family life now entailed. He was an amazing student and helped out with the baby. Oh speaking of babies... there was another baby on the way...

At the very time that Jessica was having her birthday from infant to toddler Pauline went into labour and Liza was born, an excitable athletic girl. Jeremy couldn't have been happier to have his children all around him now. They all still had much growing up to do, but he was confident they'd all be least he hoped.
 The family was busier than ever now  with Jeremy working on his job skills and Pauline looking after their 3 children. They did have a small gathering for Liza's birthday.

Everyone they knew showed up and even a few people they didn't know. The party was epic and was becoming a family tradition. These milestones seemed to reinforce to Stewie that his dreams were coming true...the legacy was happening right before his eyes.

Jeremy had a talk with his son one day to discuss the future and to explain why he and Erin hadn't stayed together. Jeremy had worried that Stewie would be resentful but it seemed that Stewie was understanding about the situation. "I know you guys did the best you could for me" Stewie assured him..after all his mom hadn't moved far away and he had both of them to depend on.

The family had 2 birthdays to now celebrate, in true Wolfe fashion...

Jeremy reached elder with much fanfare, his family and friends cheering him on.

He was eager to continue with his job and hobbies, and the next phase of his life. And he still hoped to get to the moon!

It was Pauline's turn and she wasn't so sure she wanted to age; the grey hair, the stooped posture and the frumpy clothes! And she'd looked the cutest in her bikini all these years! She just took a deep breath, got the deed done and grabbed a piece of cake. She could go shopping for new clothes tomorrow.


Children grow and things change

During the worries and confusion of his parents Stewie grew up without anyone noticing much. Jeremy was working hard at his job at the military while Erin had retired to stay at home full time. 

The family seemed too busy these days to even notice that plants were growing right through the walls of the house. It was definitely time for some pruning!

There was a double celebration when it was time for Stewie's next birthday. He was becoming an older child, and his father was growing into a mature adult. The family decided to have a party.

Stewie asked his father to teach him to fish, since he'd added the frugal trait to his personality he wanted to help the family out and save money off of their food bills.

The two of them had a great many days fishing, and Jeremy told Stewie bits about his past, explaining it so that a child could understand. Stewie promised his father he'd learn lots and do his best to build on the Wolfe family legacy. He also hoped his father was able to reach his dream of becoming an astronaut and travel in space.

One day Jeremy decided to head to his old gym where he'd spent alot of time when first arriving in town. It was a nice place to work out, and also meet new people. He met Pauline Wan, who was also looking for friends in town, not having lived there very long herself.

Pauline was a girl with commitment issues, and even though she'd been seeing a guy named Hank on and off for a few months she agreed to leave him to give Stewie a chance. Something about Stewie and his longing for a future to make up for the missing past touched Pauline's heart., Stewie just hoped he knew enough about her to make the right decision, he also asked to see her birth certificate before the wedding this time!

They became engaged soon after wards and agreed to a short engagement. Since Jeremy was moving on with his life and Stewie was now a teenager, Erin thought this was a good time to move out....but she wasn't going far.

The wedding was held the very next day at Jeremy's home...where they would be a family. All of their family and friends gathered around them they exchanged vows and Jeremy knew this would be forever. He was a bit worried about Pauline's choice of black for her wedding dress, but she definitely didn't believe in superstitions.
The future was there's.